
Hometown homepage

This document contains hints for the Hometown Homepage Solo Project.

PS: Please remember that we have a #html-css-help channel in our Discord community. If you have a very specific issue you’re struggling with, you should consider posting it there.

CSS hint

If you wish to use your own photos, simply drag’n’drop the image file into the file explorer on the left hand side of the scrim (where your index.html file is). Note that any images must be 5mb or smaller, and contain no spaces in the file name. For example “my image.png” won’t work, but “my-image.png” or “my_image.png” will work.

Many html elements have default styles applied to them by the web browser. Notably, all heading and paragraph elements have top and bottom margins, which can add extra whitespace to your sections. If you don’t want margins like this you can remove them by setting them to 0, like this:

h1 {
	margin: 0;

If you are still struggling for hours with this Solo Project after having used both of the above hints, please let the teacher Per Harald Borgen know via the #general channel on Discord, and we will consider adding more hints. Important: be sure to include a link to you scrim, so that he can understand what you are struggling with.