
OpenAI API - PollyGlot

This document contains hints for the PollyGlot Solo Project.

PS: Please remember that we have both a #javascript-help channel and a #html-css-help channel in our Discord community. If you have a very specific issue you’re struggling with, you should consider posting it there.


  1. You can complete this solo project using the gpt-4 or gpt-3.5-turbo models.
  2. Use template literals to include the string to be translated and the language to translate into in the prompt.
  3. The prompt should ask for a translation and specify a language. You could also instruct the model that it is a polyglot/expert translator.
  4. Experiment with temperature, but lower is probably better for most types of translation.
  5. Remember to set max_tokens high enough to complete the translation or just leave it at its default setting.

If you are still struggling for hours with this Solo Project after having used both of the above hints, please let us know via the #general channel on Discord, and we will consider adding more hints. Important: be sure to include a link to you scrim, so that we can understand what you are struggling with.