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Hey there, ready to dive into the AI part of PopChoice? Here are a few nudges to keep you on track:

  • Mixing AI with User Input:
    • When you're collecting responses, think about how they could influence a movie recommendation. It's not just about getting the answers; it's how you'll use them to make that perfect suggestion.
  • Diving into Embeddings:
    • The real magic happens when you transform user responses into embeddings. If this feels new, take a moment to understand embeddings. They're like a secret sauce that helps the AI understand the 'flavor' of your users' preferences.
  • API Calls:
    • Getting comfortable with the OpenAI API will be a game changer. It's like having a conversation with a really smart friend who knows a LOT about movies. Test different queries, see how the API responds, and think about how you can use those responses.
  • Matching Movies:
    • Here's where your movies data comes into play. It's not just about finding a movie; it's about finding 'the' movie. Think about how the data you have can interact with the AI's suggestions to make that perfect match.
  • Why This Movie?
    • Remember, it's not just what movie is suggested, but why. When your AI gives a recommendation, can it also give a reason? That's where you can really impress users.
  • Experiment and Tweak:
    • AI can be a bit unpredictable. If the recommendations aren't quite hitting the mark, don't be afraid to tweak how you're processing inputs or querying the AI.

Remember, you're blending technology with creativity here. It's okay to try, fail, and try again. That's how great solutions are born!

If you are still struggling for hours with this Solo Project after having used both of the above hints, please let the teacher Rafid Hoda know via the #general channel on Discord, and we will consider adding more hints. Important: be sure to include a link to you scrim, so that he can understand what you are struggling with.