
We are the Champions

PS: Please remember that we have both a #javascript-help channel and a #html-css-help channel in our Discord community. If you have a very specific issue you’re struggling with, you should consider posting it there.

CSS hint

Giving all the inputs and buttons a “display: block;” property will make it easier to align everything correctly using either flexbox or grid.

JavaScript hint

For the “like” button stretch goal, the program can only update the likes if you tell it exactly which endorsement to like (IDs are useful here!). To do this task, the program needs the following information:

  • The endorsement element the user clicked “like” on
  • The endorsement document that relates to the element the user clicked “like” on
  • The current number of likes for that endorsement
  • Whether the user has already “liked” the endorsement previously

If you are still struggling for hours with this Solo Project after having used both of the above hints, please let the teacher Rafid Hoda know via the #general channel on Discord, and we will consider adding more hints. Important: be sure to include a link to you scrim, so that he can understand what you are struggling with.